Sunday, February 01, 2009

Holy Crap this is a brain drain ...

Thanks to a fabulous friend sending me a three mile long email on how to make blogging work for me and encourage people to want to come and stay in our gorgeous B&B in Spain or to buy my paintings, I am now up to the nostrils with being freaked out ....

RSS feeds, Twitterdecks, Twitpants, oh GOD this is enough to make this technophobe have a hissy fit ....

Will do best to stay calm but



Sarah & Kevin Arrow said...

It will come together Amanda, truly it will :-) I had a day in the summer pulling my hair out over exactly the same thing lol

Butterfly Powers said...

lol!!! that's all I'm ever over my head's refreshing to know someone else has to deal with it.

I think I'm immune now.

Solo Road Trip said...

forget staying calm. The freaked out feeling will become one with you and then you'll realize you can only do what you can do, and you'll settle into that groove. The learning curve for me has been extremely steep and painful. After 6 months it's beginning to level out. -- Twitter @thesolowriter I'm so glad I've found your blog!